Forskingsresultat frå sjølve KIT-studien er ikkje komme enno naturleg nok, men forskarane i KIT har ein del spennande resultat frå forsking på traume og psykose.

Nina Mørkved presenterer forskingsresultat om traume frå BPRG på SIRS-konferanse i Firenze i 2024.
Utvalde forskingsresultat (artiklar) om traume frå medarbeidarar i KIT:
Sætren, S. S., J. R. Bjørnestad, A. A. Ottesen, H. L. Fisher, D. A. S. Olsen, K. Hølland and W. t. V. Hegelstad (2024). "Unraveling the Concept of Childhood Adversity in Psychosis Research: A Systematic Review." Schizophrenia Bulletin.
Varese, F., W. Sellwood, D. Pulford, Y. Awenat, L. Bird, G. Bhutani, L.-A. Carter, L. Davies, S. Aseem and C. Davis (2023). "Trauma-focused therapy in early psychosis: results of a feasibility randomized controlled trial of EMDR for psychosis (EMDRp) in early intervention settings." Psychological Medicine: 1-12.
Ottesen, A., T. V. H. W, I. Joa, S. E. Opjordsmoen, B. R. Rund, J. I. Rossberg, E. Simonsen, J. O. Johannessen, T. K. Larsen, U. H. Haahr, T. H. McGlashan, S. Friis and I. Melle (2023). "Childhood traume, antipsychotic medication, and symptom remission in first-episode psychosis." Psychological Medicine 53(6): 2399-2408.
Lunding, S. H., T. Ueland, M. Aas, M. C. Hoegh, M. C. F. Werner, L. Rodevand, I. T. Johansen, G. Hjell, M. Ormerod, P. A. Ringen, A. Ottesen, T. V. Lagerberg, I. Melle, O. A. Andreassen, C. Simonsen and N. E. Steen (2023). "Tobacco smoking related to childhood traume mediated by cognitive control and impulsiveness in severe mental disorders." Schizophrenia Research 261: 236-244.
Doktorgradsavhandling Nina Mørkved 2022 "Childhood Trauma in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders".
Lokhammer, S., A. K. Stavrum, T. Polushina, M. Aas, A. A. Ottesen, O. A. Andreassen, I. Melle and S. Le Hellard (2022). "An epigenetic association analysis of childhood traume in psychosis reveals possible overlap with methylation changes associated with PTSD." Translational Psychiatry 12(1): 177.
Peters, E., A. Hardy, R. Dudley, F. Varese, K. Greenwood, C. Steel, R. Emsley, N. Keen, S. Bowe and S. Swan (2022). "Multisite randomised controlled trial of trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis to reduce post-traumatic stress symptoms in people with co-morbid post-traumatic stress disorder and psychosis, compared to treatment as usual: study protocol for the STAR (Study of Trauma And Recovery) trial." Trials 23(1): 429
Mørkved, N., E. Johnsen, R. A. Kroken, D. Winje, T. K. Larsen, J. C. Thimm, M. A. Rettenbacher, C. A. B. Johannesen and E.-M. Løberg (2022). "Impact of childhood traume on antipsychotic effectiveness in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A prospective, pragmatic, semi-randomized trial." Schizophrenia Research 246: 49-59.
Hardy, A., C. O'Driscoll, C. Steel, M. Van der Gaag and D. Van den Berg (2021). "A network analysis of post-traumatic stress and psychosis symptoms." Psychological Medicine 51(14): 2485-2492.
Hegelstad, W. T. V., A. O. Berg, J. Bjornestad, K. Gismervik, J. O. Johannessen, I. Melle, H. J. Stain and I. Joa (2021). "Childhood interpersonal traume and premorbid social adjustment as predictors of symptom remission in first episode psychosis." Schizophrenia Research 232: 87-94.
Mørkved, N., E. Johnsen, R. A. Kroken, R. Gjestad, D. Winje, J. Thimm, F. Fathian, M. Rettenbacher, L. Anda and E.-M. Løberg (2020). "Does childhood traume influence cognitive functioning in schizophrenia? The association of childhood traume and cognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorders." Schizophrenia Research: Cognition 21: 100179.
Løberg, E.-M., R. Gjestad, M.-B. Posserud, K. Kompus and A. J. Lundervold (2019). "Psychosocial characteristics differentiate non-distressing and distressing voices in 10,346 adolescents." European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 28(10): 1353-1363.
Carr, S., A. Hardy and M. Fornells-Ambrojo (2018). "The Trauma and Life Events (TALE) checklist: development of a tool for improving routine screening in people with psychosis." European Journal of Psychotraumatology 9(1): 1512265.
(Betalingsmur) Mørkved, N., D. Winje, A. Dovran, K. Arefjord, E. Johnsen, R. A. Kroken, L.-G. Anda-Ågotnes, J. C. Thimm, I. Sinkeviciute and M. Rettenbacher (2018). "Childhood traume in schizophrenia spectrum disorders as compared to substance abuse disorders." Psychiatry Research 261: 481-487.
Haahr, U. H., T. K. Larsen, E. Simonsen, B. R. Rund, I. Joa, J. I. Rossberg, J. O. Johannessen, J. Langeveld, J. Evensen, A. M. H. Trauelsen, P. Vaglum, S. Opjordsmoen, W. T. V. Hegelstad, S. Friis, T. McGlashan and I. Melle (2018). "Relation between premorbid adjustment, duration of untreated psychosis and close interpersonal traume in first-episode psychosis." Early Intervention in Psychiatry 12(3): 316-323.
Mørkved, N., M. Endsjø, D. Winje, E. Johnsen, A. Dovran, K. Arefjord, R. Kroken, S. Helle, L. Anda-Ågotnes and M. Rettenbacher (2017). "Childhood traume in schizophrenia spectrum disorder as compared to other mental health disorders." Psychosis 9(1): 48-56
Solesvik, M., I. Joa, T. K. Larsen, J. Langeveld, J. O. Johannessen, J. Bjornestad, L. G. Anda, J. Gisselgard, W. T. Hegelstad and K. Bronnick (2016). "Visual Hallucinations in First-Episode Psychosis: Association with Childhood Trauma." PLoS One 11(5): e0153458.
Stain, H. J., K. Bronnick, W. T. Hegelstad, I. Joa, J. O. Johannessen, J. Langeveld, L. Mawn and T. K. Larsen (2014). "Impact of interpersonal traume on the social functioning of adults with first-episode psychosis." Schizophrenia Bulletin 40(6): 1491-1498.
Varese, F., F. Smeets, M. Drukker, R. Lieverse, T. Lataster, W. Viechtbauer, J. Read, J. van Os and R. P. Bentall (2012). "Childhood adversities increase the risk of psychosis: A meta-analysis of patient-control, prospective- and cross-sectional cohort studies." Schizophrenia Bulletin 38(4): 661-671.